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Andrej Gadžijev, MD, spec. in travm.
Prim. Danica Avsec, MD, counceller
Deputy Director
E danica.avsec(@)
T +386 1 300 68 68
Boštjan Kušar, PhD, MA in management and economics in health care
Director's assistant for business affairs
E bostjan.kusar(@)
T +386 1 300 68 69
Gorazd R. Čebulc, DMV, FEBS
Professional associate for information affairs and quality
E gorazd.cebulc(@)
T +386 1 300 68 65
Katja Klinger, mag. soc.
Professional associate
E katja.klinger(@)
T +386 1 300 68 60
Jože Jakovac, registered nurse
Associate manager for data and registries
E joze.jakovac(@)
T +386 1 300 68 61
Bojana Košiček Pergar, BA in economics
Associate for accounting
E bojana.kosicekpergar(@)
T +386 1 300 68 67
Ivica Marić, MD
Director's assistant for medical affairs
E ivica.maric(@)
T +386 1 300 68 62
Dr. Jana Šimenc, Phd in Anthropology
Professional associate for communications, research and projects
E jana.simenc(@)
T +386 1 300 68 60
About the institute
The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Transplantation of Organs and Tissues Slovenija transplant (Slovenija-transplant) is a national expert institution responsible for the operation and development of organ donation and transplantation in Slovenia. The Institute provides the organisational conditions, professional protocols and appropriate legislation for a successful, ethical, high-quality and transparent organ donation programme in Slovenia.
It supports donor hospitals in professional dilemmas. It educates the professional public and informs citizens about the possibility of treatment with transplantation and promotes the voluntary decision in favour of organ donation. It manages the national donor register.
At the Slovenija-transplant premises there is a central transplant coordination office where the transplant coordinators link and coordinate all activities on a daily basis so that patients on the waiting list for a transplantation receive a suitable organ on time. Co-operation takes place at national and international level, most frequently between the Eurotransplant countries. Slovenija-transplant also ensures the traceability, quality and safety of all transplant treatments.
The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for the Transplantation of Organs and Tissues Slovenija transplant is a non-profit public body and was founded by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia (2002). It operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia.
Tasks and responsibilities
Public information
For many years, patients in Slovenia have been guaranteed high quality treatment with organ and tissue transplantation. We were one of the first countries in the region to introduce an extremely well-organised and successful model for the procurement and provision of organs for transplantation. The creation of the independent coordination institution Slovenija-transplant, the establishment of the national network of donor hospitals and the connection with the international non-profit foundation Eurotransplant are primarily the merit of biologist and immunologist Prof. Mateja Bohinjec and anaesthetist Prof. Jasna Vončina.
When the institution was founded, the then very successful transplant coordinator and anaesthetist cf. Danica Avsec from UMC Maribor took over the management. Cf. Avsec managed Slovenija-transplant from its foundation in 2002 until the end of 2021 and is responsible for the national and international recognition of Slovenija-transplant, the connection of the donor network and the continuous professional and personnel development and expansion of the institution. As an excellent communicator, she has achieved a high level of public trust in organ donation.
In the scheme, key milestones in the development of donor and transplantation activity are stated. Transplantation activity was developed at UMC Ljubljana. For the last 20 years of deceased donation programme in Slovenia, please see scientific article.
The first corneal transplantation at the Ophaltomology Clinic in Ljubljana
Establishment of a laboratory for tissue typing, under the auspices of the Institute for Blood Transfusion of the RS (initiative of Prof. Dr M. Bohinjec)
The first living donor kidney transplantation at UMC Ljubljana
The Removal and Transplantation of Human Body Parts for the Purposes of Medical Treatment Act
First Rules on medical criteria, methodology and procedures for certification of the brain death and on the composition of the Commission for the certification of the brain death
The first deceased donor kidney transplantation at UMC Ljubljana
The first autologous transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
The first related donor allogenic transplantation of HSCs
Establishment of the Slovenian Register of Unrelated Haematopoietic Stem Cell Donors Slovenia Donor (Administrator: The Institute of Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Slovenia)
The first two cases of multiple organ removal
- The first heart transplantation
- The first pancreas transplantation
Establishment of Extended Expert Committee for Transplantation (initiative of Prof. Dr. M. Bohinjec, president cf. J. Vončina, MD)
Guido Persin, MD, Director of Eurotransplant, visits Slovenia and introduces the international organisation for organ and tissue exchange
Preparation of the study “Slovenija-transplant: National health system in the field of organ and tissue transplantation. Introduction, organisation and financing”, Editors: cf. J. Vončina, Prof. Dr. M. Bohinjec
- Adapted 2nd Rule on certification of the brain death
- Introduction of the national education programme on brain death
The first deceased donor liver transplantation
Establishment of a temporary Transplantation Center within the Surgical Clinic of the UMC Ljubljana (Head Prof. Dr. Zoran Arnež, MD)
Start of 24- hour of transplant coordinators’ state of readiness and donor coordination
Start of 24- hour of transplant coordinators’ state of readiness and donor coordination
The first temporary cooperation agreement between Eurotransplant and UMC Ljubljana was signed
The Removal and Transplantation of Human Body Parts for the Purposes of Medical Treatment Act (basis for the foundation of Slovenija-transplant)
- Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on the start of operation of Slovenija-transplant in the process of establishment (acting director Danica Avsec, MD)
- Slovenia joins Eurotransplant
First “Delivering the bad news and conversation with the family about the donation” workshop for professional public
Start of independent operation of the Slovenija- transplant Institute (director Danica Avsec, MD)
New agreement between Slovenija-transplant and Eurotransplant
Publication of the first national professional guidelines on Transplantation: Donor programme (Organs), edited by J. Vončina and D. Avsec
The first deceased donor liver transplantation
Establishment of a national donor register (Administrator: Slovenija-transplant)
Solemn academy on the 5th anniversary of Slovenia-transplant
Expert meeting of the Slovenian Transplantation Association at the Slovenian Medical Association
Start of training courses according to the European “Basics of the Donor Programme” (ETPOD)
The first celebration of the European Donation Day, Slovenija-transplant hosts a high-level meeting of the members of the European Committee for Organ Transplantation at the Council of Europe in Ljubljana
The first simultaneous kidney and pancreas transplantation
The first simultaneous heart and kidney transplantation
Implementation of the quality assurance programme in the organ and tissue donation process (Head Andrej Gadžijev, MD)
First 3-day intensive training course as part of the Transplantation Procurement Management (TPM) programme; carried out by Slovenia-transplant and the Spanish institute DTI-TPM
The first simultaneous kidney and liver transplantation
Act regulating the procurement and transplantation of human body parts for the purposes of medical treatment (ZPPDČT)
Signed contract between MORS (Government of the Republic of Slovenia) and Slovenija-transplant on the use of the government’s Falcon aircraft for the transport of organs from abroad for our patients
Brežice General Hospital joins the national donor network
An independent lung transplantation programme at UMC Ljubljana
Introduction of an electronic donor register, possibility of electronic registration via the eGovermental portal
Solemn symposium celebrating 20 years of successful cooperation between Slovenia and Eurotransplant
The management of Slovenija-transplant is taken over by Andrej Gadžijev, MD