Home About us National donor and transplant network

National donor and transplant network

The National Donor and Transplant Network is a way of organisation and cooperation between donor centres, the transplant centre and other relevant institutions.

The cooperation and division of tasks between institutions and competent experts enables the functioning of the system of organ donation and certain tissues and ensures treatment with transplantation in Slovenia. The central connecting institution is Slovenia-transplant, which coordinates international co-operation with Eurotransplant on a daily basis.

The network consists of:

  • Slovenija-transplant Institute
  • 11 donor hospitals
  • Transplantation Centre at the Ljubljana University Medical Centre
  • Centre for Tissue Typing at the Institute for Transfusion Medicine of the Republic of Slovenia.

The network has been operating successfully since 1998. It was expanded in 2018 when the GH Brežice joined.

Map of the National Donor and Transplant Network

Structure of the National Donor and Transplant Network


Donor centres

Tissue Typing Centre

Transplantation centre

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