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Organ transplantation

Organ transplantation is a medical method for treating the final failure of organ functions. It is one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine. It is used when all other treatment options and methods have been exhausted.
Organ donation and transplantation are interconnected. Without a donation, transplant treatment is not possible. Donation and transplantation are medically and logistically demanding procedures that require the co-operation of highly qualified specialists, the excellent coordination of a large team and appropriately equipped facilities. More than 100 profiles of healthcare personnel are involved in each transplantation. The Slovenija-transplant Institute coordinates all the activities necessary to ensure that the patients on the waiting list receive the suitable organ on time.
Organ transplantation in Slovenia
Slovenia is among the most developed countries of the world in the field of transplant medicine. For years, we have been the first country in the world in terms of the number of heart transplants per million inhabitants. Patients have access to first-class treatment as part of basic health insurance. Every year, around 120 people are given a new chance at life through an organ transplantat. The follow-up results are above the average for Eurotransplant countries.
Organ and tissue transplantation treatment is carried out at the Transplantation centre, UMC Ljubljana (only corneal transplants are also carried out at UKC Maribor). Since 2014, the Centre for Transplantation at UMC Ljubljana has been headed by cardiovascular surgeon Dr. Ivan Kneževič, MD. The responsibilities of the Transplantation centre are the development and coordination of organ, tissue and cell transplantation programmes, including:
- placing patients on a waiting list;
- informing and preparing patients for transplant treatment;
- organ transplantation;
- post-operative care and lifelong care of transplanted patients.
Kidneys, hearts, lungs, livers and pancreases, skin, corneas, heart valves, bone parts and other tissues are transplanted at UMC Ljubljana. Kidney transplantation is the most common organ transplant. In rare cases, the simultaneous transplantation of two organs (kidney and pancreas, heart and kidney or liver and kidney) is also possible. There is also a trend towards simultaneous heart and lung transplants.
Paediatric organ transplants are also mainly performed at UMC Ljubljana. For the youngest patients and children with challenging anatomical conditions, agreements have been made with specialised transplant centres abroad (e.g. Bergamo for liver transplants, Graz for kidney transplants).
Further medical explanations of the individual procedures can be provided by the clinical transplant coordinators, who are also the internal managers of the respective transplant centre for a particular organ.
UMC Ljubljana – Organ transplantations
Life after the transplantation
Many people lead a normal, active working life after a transplant. Good co-operation between patients and doctors is crucial for a high quality of life and the long-term success of the treatment. After transplantation, patients must strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and take lifelong immunosuppressive therapy. With the rapid development in the field of immunosuppressants, transplant rejections have become less frequent and the negative side effects of the drugs are also decreasing.
The best answers about life after transplantation can be given by organ recipients. Watch inspiring and straightforward videos about personal experiences with doctors and the healthcare system, about fears, courage, survival strategies, about life before and after a transplant.
Check out Patients’ experiences.