Home Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

For original statement, please refer to Slovenian site. Here is a summary of the accessibility statement.

Zavod Slovenija-transplant is committed to providing all users with access to the content of its website in accordance with the Slovenian accessibility of websites and mobile applications Act. This statement applies to the website www.slovenija-transplant.si.

Level of compliance

The Slovenija-transplanta website largely complies with the law on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

Range of accessibility services

The following services are enabled:

  • The operation of the website is predictable and stable.
  • The design is responsive.
  • Option to select the contrast via a special plugin.
  • Selection of a font size.
  • The website can be used on different devices.
  • The description of the identification process on the eGovernment portal is also displayed in sign language.
  • Keyboard navigation is activated (customisation for users who cannot use a mouse).
  • Photos are mostly provided with alt text.
  • The sites on the webpage do not contain any flickering content and are safe to use for all user groups that react to or could be affected by conspicuous changes and flickering elements.
  • The website contains a site map.

Inaccessible content on the webpage

Some documents published in PDF and Word format are not fully accessible to screen reader users.

Preparation of the Accessibility statement

The statement was prepared on 14 October 2023 on the basis of a self-assessment. The statement was last reviewed on 14 October 2023.

Feedback and contact information

If you encounter a problem with the accessibility of the materials, please let us know. We will help you understand the content. If you have further questions about accessible/inaccessible content, please contact us by post or e-mail at the following address

Slovenija-transplant, Zaloška 7, 1000 Ljubljana
e-mail: info(@)slovenija-transplant.si

Enforcement procedure

If you notice any deviations from the provisions of the Accessibility of websites and mobile applications Act, you may lodge a complaint to the Information Society Inspectorate by post or email to the following address:

Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for the Information Society
Davčna ulica 1
1000 Ljubljana
T: 01 555 58 48
E: gp.ijs@gov.si

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