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International cooperation


Eurotransplant is an international non-profit foundation for the exchange of organs and tissue. Slovenia was the first country in the South East Europe region to meet the demanding conditions for membership on 1 January 2000. It thus joined a large group of five successful and more advanced countries in the field of transplant treatment.

Today, Eurotransplant brings together eight countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary) with a total population of over 137 million. The countries are grouped according to geographical proximity.

Advantages of co-operation

Equal and professional

Organ allocation system

EU Projects

For years, Slovenija-transplant regularly participates in European projects in the fields of organ donation. Over the years, we have become a recognised and professional partner in the international environment. As a small country, we have developed many best practises that we share and learn from others. Through the projects we gain additional knowledge and experience in the areas of awareness raising and communication about organ donation, cooperation with the media, educating the professional public, organising the European Organ Donation Day, improving the professional and organisational aspects of the donation programme, vigilance and control systems, cultural dimensions of organ donation, crisis communication, exchange of organs and tissues and good cooperation between European countries. Since 2004, we have participated in twenty EU projects.

Current projects

BRAVEST – Building Resilience Against crisis: a systematic and global approach to adVancE organ Safety and supply in Transplantation
Duration: 1 September 2022 – 28 February 2025
Co-financing: EU4HEALTH Programme

Slovenija-transplant is a partner in a prestigious project led by the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT). The consortium brings together a top international and interdisciplinary team. The fundamental aim of the project is to analyse the factors that influenced the success of donor and transplantation activities before the outbreak of the epidemic and during the SARS-CoV2 epidemic. Based on experiences from several countries, we will identify best practises (clinical cases, organisational support, system solutions) and develop an algorithm and model for better resilience of national systems that will ensure continuous, successful and safe operation of donation and transplantation systems during unpredictable events and crises (e.g. epidemic, environmental disaster, earthquake, war…). We are also preparing joint European registers in the field of organ donation and transplantation.

Bravest webpage: https://www.bravest-project.eu/

Completed projects


Duration: 1 November 2022 – 31 July 2023
Financing: ERASMUS+ EU Programme

The project “You have more than one life” was carried out in cooperation with the Polish partner organisation Fundacja Pasjonaci Życia, which also hosted the project. The project focussed on raising public awareness of the importance of organ donation and educating adults about communicating with the public after a transplantation. We shared knowledge and experiences with our partners. We created a number of best practises in the field of communication in the form of knowledge brochures. During the three-day workshop, we trained 15 organ recipients in public speaking and recorded 15 short videos with personal experiences and speeches from so-called donation “ambassadors”. The workshops and partner visits took place in Poland and Slovenia. The new material and knowledge are an important contribution to Slovenija-transplant’s modern communication approach.

The results of the project can be found here and on the Facebook profile of Slovenia-transplant.

A selection of completed projects

International committees and professional associations

Slovenija-transplant is the national competent organisation for organ and tissue donation (National Competent Authority, NCA). It participates in the preparation of basic expert recommendations and documents at European level and appoints delegates for participation in international expert committees.

  • European Committee on Organ Transplantation at the Council of Europe (CD-P-TO): develops and adopts key professional guidelines in the field of organ and tissue transplantation, including the professional reference manual Guide to the Quality and Safety of Organs for Transplantation and Guide to the Quality and Safety of Tissues and Cells for Transplantation.
  • Expert Group on Control and Vigilance in the Use of Human Body Parts for Medical Purposes (CasSOHO).
  • The Committee of the Parties to the Santiago de Compostela Convention (THO committe at the Council of Europe).
  • National focal point for anonymous reporting of possible suspicions of organ trafficking: Slovenija-transplant has been participating in the meetings of the EU Committee on Organ Trafficking since 2017 and is taking appropriate measures to prevent these offences. So far, we have not identified any cases of unauthorised practise. We also work together with the police, the Ministry of Health, Justice, Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs and non-governmental organisations that look after victims of human trafficking. Anyone who suspects abuse related to organ donation and transplantation or human trafficking can make an anonymous report to the police via the online portal at the here spletnega portala na povezavi.
  • Board of Transplant Coordinators at the European Association of Medical Specialists (UEMS-BTC): Cf. Danica Avsec is involved in the preparation and implementation of the European accreditations and examinations for transplant coordinators as long-time president and deputy of the BTC board. Website of the association: https://uemssurg.org/
  • European Union (EU) and European Commission (EC): Slovenija-transplant participates with representatives in the regular meetings of the competent authorities in which laws, directives, plans and project proposals are prepared.

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